What Does Your Version 2.0 Look Like

How Does Your Version 2.0 Look Like in 2025?

May be you have heard about the version 2.0.

We have all gone through this corona pandemic, that too with the corona 2.0 which is stronger, terrible, and more powerful than the last one.

And here comes the question what is version 2.0?

In just simple words it the better one than the previous one.

Let’s consider you and me as an example.

What will be your version 2.0 look like or how does version 2.0 of myself look like?

Have you thought of this question anytime…Who you are now and who you will be in the near future.

Let me tell you an amazing story of a man who achieved his version 2.0.

This is the story written by a journalist in his way and point of view of that person that’s version 2.0.

And here the story begins…

Have a look.

A Man With his Version 2.0

The Man With the Version 2.0

This is a passionate journalist, I am writing this amazing story of a guy who achieved his milestones which I call version 2.0 of himself.

And this is the story of a person who shattered with a lot of weaknesses, fear, and many things, and the place where he perceived the dreams which made me write about him today.

A Guy With a Lot of Fears

A Guy With Lot of Fears

He is a person who is feared of all kinds of things like speak in front of people, worrying about his life, and just being himself alone.

In his childhood, he faced some situations of not being active in any events, with a group of friends, and not being a confident speaker.

Within himself, he feels like why I can’t be like the others, what’s the thing that all have – I’m not.

But life goes on…

He was living his life without any goals, ambitions, and nothing in his mind.

And just going with the flow of what society tells us to do and what his parents guide him.

He was good at his studies and studied well and got some good ranks in schools and colleges.

He completed his college running within this rat race.

But he has a wonderful story in between this.

The Hostel Life

After his school, he got admitted to a college far from his hometown with a new hostel life.

In that hostel life, he started exploring something cool that he had not experienced in his school life.

He has never seen the outside world when he was in school because of the rat race cycle, study-write-rank, and again study-write-rank and the cycle continued

In his hostel life, more of studying he explored how the people are because there are the students who came from different places. He saw the environment he living within which is a completely new experience.

The Hostel Life

In that college-hostel life,

He gained immense knowledge of the outside world and realized the importance of things and relationships in his life and many more that couldn’t imagine that he was going to have such an experience.

Even we seek it as a small thing that is the big thing for him after being in that rat race.

Though he saw the outside world but he not completely drunk it.

Again he running a rat race for his studies and career.

But he was out from that race in form of life aspects.

Then as all over again, the society pressure dumps him into the college of engineering.

On the one fine day, he realized that he is not him!

He started asking himself a lot of questions???

“Who am I?”, “What am I doing?”, “What are my goals, dreams that I want in my life”, and 100’s of questions like that.

One day he sat down and started writing his dreams on a sheet of paper about what & how he wants to be in the next 5 years and ……

The write goes like this…

The Writing

The Person With the Goals and Ambitions
The Person With the Goals and Ambitions

I’m nothing right now,

but one day…

I am going to be a person of big goals, standards, and a helping hand to others.

And I will be one of the top professionals out there who makes the business simple to run and achieve its higher heights. 

I will be the one who makes things simplified in this business world.

And I am going to be a top consultant where businesses hire me to run their businesses.

I will be the one who is one of the top marketers in India.

I will be the one who has a team that is recognized as “The only team that makes everything happen just with their ‘The Simple’ strategies, tactics, etc of marketing in India and the world.

And I will be the one who will make a difference in this business world as a person of standards.

I will be having a sweet and happy home like this…

My Sweet Home

And I will be the one who can buy anything without seeing the price.

And I will be the one who is financially independent and he will be enjoying his financial freedom life.

On the other, I will be the helping hand for others who are in need, even if not for lakhs of people but for the one who needs it.

And this will be done in the coming 5 years.

No matter what I say –  it can be, it will be, and it should be.

It is just the start there much more to come in the future.

The Article – Version 2.0

The Article about Version 2.0

This is your journalist again.

As you have seen the dreams of a young man who prepared his goals for the next 5 years.

And today is what the next 5 years come to an end.

What do you think he would be now?

Would he had been achieved his fascinating dreams?

The Guy With His Version 2.0

But, I have no words to say.

Here is the article I have written about this man which has featured on various media out there.


A young guy who is nothing for the last 5 years, now he is one of the top marketers in India who has an awesome team which is building blocks for today’s businesses.

He had taken the brands to the next level for the businesses he had collaborated with.

Of the big brands that you hear today, 20-30% of brands have worked with this person.

As the promises he made to some startups, he made the startups to big brands who are no were else 5 years back.

To add on, he is one of the top consultants, trainers, and a passionate digital marketer.

Also, he had many achievements with his principle and strategy name ‘Think Simple” in the space of digital marketing.

Now he is a leading marketer in India and living the happy life which he dreamt of.

He says that “The only one which I dreamt 5 years back what you are seeing now”.

And many people have got guidance under his presence.

He is now the next version of himself that’s version 2.0. And we believe that it just the start there much more to come from this amazing person.


The Present – My View

The story you have read till now is what going to happen in 2025-26.

Yes! The story has not happened yet.

The man the person and the guy is me that’s Vinayak Raikar.

This is my vision and mission which is going to happen in the coming 5 years i.e @2025.

The words I have expressed completely come from my heart which I am dreaming of.

And I believe that the article you read above would be the article of mine featured in media by 2025.

(You can read this article about the power of digital marketing in today’s world)

Purpose of Writing this Article – Version 2.0

Purpose of Writing This Article - Version 2.0

What’s the purpose of writing this article?

Thought that anyway while reading the article???

This is much needed for you to put down your dreams into a piece of paper.

When you write down it into a sheet that brings all your goals and dreams in a flow and gives you a clarity of thoughts which I had felt while writing this article.

If you keep your goals and dreams inside your mind that will clutter with your n number of thoughts and you can’t see the goals in front of you.

And you feel like, “What to do?” “What’s my passion?” etc…

If I start saying about this I would go on a long long way…

So, my advice is to jot down your thoughts into a piece of paper for better clarity in your life.


I hope you have enjoyed reading this amazing story of my version 2.0.

This version 2.0 is very powerful as you can see in this article.

So, you too write, make and visualize your version 2.0.

It can take you hardly one day to figure out.

Sit down, take a paper, start writing what you want to achieve in the next 5 years and who you would be in the future.

I will bet you will be getting clarity way better than what you have today (Thank me later).

But behind all that, we have to remember the saying of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

“Dream is not that you see in sleep, the dream is something that does not let you sleep”.

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

So execution is important than only dreaming.

Hustle for the struggle for not to be like the same tomorrow.

I hope that you had a good read and got valuable & useful insights from this blog article.

I love to know your thoughts about this article.

So, do comment your thoughts in the comments below.

And don’t forget to SHARE…

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